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Supporting The Woodland Trust

Published On:

January 25, 2023

What Are We Doing?

Zoom are committed to minimising our ecological footprint. we work closely with The Woodland Trust to capture much of the carbon involved in paper production. In 202 alone, Zoom and The Woodland Trust achieved a remarkable feat: planting over 300 square metres of trees! The clever scientists at The Woodland Trust determined how much carbon had been created per tonne and found that young tree growth was an effective way for capturing this surplus carbon dioxide--makes sense, since younger plants take up more CO2 than mature ones during photosynthesis.

How We Do It?

To date we've help raise £1.6m for The Woodland Trust and planted more than 400,000 tress in the UK. This is made possible through the Carbon Capture Scheme.
The Carbon Capture® programme allows us to mitigate the CO2emissions generated by the production, storage and distribution of the products purchased.

A Carbon Capture® charge is paid for each tonne of product purchased. This is passed directly to the Trust to fund woodland conservation and the planting of trees, which can absorb carbon that would otherwise be released into the atmosphere.

The Carbon Capture® programme gives us and our clients the opportunity to mitigate carbon and demonstrate their sustainable development goals.
Staff and clients can regularly be seen working up a sweat, planting trees on sites across the UK – we have a true passion for woods and trees!

Although we have helped plant over 400,000 trees, we have also assisted in restoration projects assisting with the Trust’s aim to protect and restore the UK’s precious ancient woodland.

What Can You Do?

By allowing us to produce your print, graphics and signage...we're able to continue supporting The Woodland Trust and you take sleep well knowing that you're part of that process. We'll supply you with official logos that can be used on your print to demonstrate your responsible approach to print items.

Get in touch with us to find out more about how we can help you achieve your environmental goals in print.